The word of God read fresh every day with affirmations and aphorisms to inspire you to live your life with faith, focus, and flow.

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Hi, I’m Jennifer and I’m a fun-loving, curious, whole-hearted, black woman being, who loves God and the spoken Word of God, and who also happens to be a writer, a wife, a mother, and an introvert. 

I’m a believer in doing the work, that is, taking action to be healthy and whole, acknowledging others’ experiences alongside our own, and honoring the beauty of our existence by claiming and sharing the truth of our personal stories. 

In addition to being host of this podcast, I'm also a professional content writer and coach for other writers. I'm passionate about finding meaning in suffering, storytelling as a path to self-awareness, and heart work as the way to healing. 

The goal of the Verses 'n' Flow daily devotional podcast is to help you create a daily habit of engaging with the Bible and achieving personal growth through faith, focus, and flow.

I’m married to my best friend Shannon and a mother to six, including twins and a shorkie named Maverick. We’re a blended bunch but when you hear me talk about my kids, I’ll distinguish my biologicals from my bonuses only when it’s necessary for clarifying an experience I’m describing. When it’s not, you’ll hear me refer to each one as simply my son, without any prefixes. Their names are Naszir, Mackenzie, Kingston, Jaxon, and Jayce. 

When I'm not working, I like hanging out with my gang of close friends (where the girls usually dominate the guys in Taboo), playing silly games like Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza with my family, and watching reruns of The Office.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can listen via Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

  • I like to slip my earbuds in press play before I even get out of bed, and then continue listening in the quiet of the morning before anyone else in the house is awake.

    But real talk, on days when the first thing I have to do is a hard workout, Eric Thomas is my go-to morning podcast. On those days, I typically listen to my devotional once I’m done exercising.

    As for you, do it whenever it feels most organic. The morning is a great time, as intentional time in the morning sets the tone for the whole day. But if you have a busy morning, listen before going to bed, or even when you’re taking a break in between tasks during the day. The time of day is not nearly as important as the habit itself.

  • E’erbody. Seriously all are welcome here. But if I had to be specific, it’s for the person who wants a simple way to listen to the word of God, who wants to stay spiritually grounded and connected, and who wants to pair their spiritual practice with practical insights to live with more discipline, focus, and flow.

  • I'll be using the easier to understand translations, such as the New Living Translation, the English Standard Version, Today's New International Version, God's Word Version, and The Message. I chose these translations because as I say in the first episode, this is meant to be a companion to, not a substitute for, your deeper Bible study.

    I’ve chosen some of the easier versions to make sure that no matter where you are in your walk with Christ, you can get a meaningful understanding of the scriptures, allowing you to receive both the spiritual nourishment of the Word, as well as its practical application for daily living.

  • I'm honored that you'd even ask. ;-) First, pray for your girl. This podcast brings me so much joy, but it does take a considerable amount of work to stay afloat. And we're just getting started.

    Second, share the love already! I want as many people as possible to join us on this biblical excursion, so this is one event where it's totally okay to bring a +1, or +2, or +30. I know how powerful a year in the word can be and I want others to know what that's like too.

    Third, if you feel inclined to part with a portion of your pockets to partner with me financially--aww, you really know how to make a girl feel loved. I appreciate you. You can make a contribution here.

    Any other questions? Hit me up at

Giving = Loving

This is my passion, my labor of love, my contribution to humanity to make life a little (or a lot) better for us all. If this labor enriches your life in any way and you’d like to help me sustain it, please consider showing some love with a gift of any amount. Your support is deeply appreciated and makes all the difference.
